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Solving Clues with Ravenchase

 One of the funny things about the year you turn 30 is that you spend the whole year doing crazy "Dirty 30" things with your friends for their birthdays. Last weekend, we trotted down to the Outer Banks for Ashleigh's birthday, while this past weekend, I competed in an awesome code-breaking game for my friend Chanelle's birthday! Her awesome husband Ryan (pictured) organized the game through Ravenchase, a company that creates adventures for small or large groups throughout the country. In Virginia, they operate in Alexandria, Richmond and in this instance, Williamsburg. The adventures are part scavenger hunt, part Amazing Race.

We broke into teams and had three hours to solve five clues. Some clues could only be read once you burned a piece of paper or shined a UV light on it or wet it, which made it super exciting and full of intrigue. I was very nervous I'd do terrible because I don't have a lot of patience for decyphering clues.

 But the good news is my Williamsburg knowledge secured us first place by more than 30 minutes! We're number one!!

After we met up with the game coordinator, we won our prize: a golden winged pig trophy! Yay! 

It was a super fun experience and I'm hoping to join in on one of their public games in DC or Alexandria some time. 

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