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China Glaze - Grafitti Glitter, swatch

Green Wednesday at Vacker&Underbar, and I'm in. :)

I'm continuing showing polishes from China Glaze's Glitz-Bitz ‘n’ Pieces Collection, and this time it's Grafitti Glitter.

Natural light.
This one had a thinner formula comparing to the blue Mosaic Madness, and therefore required two coats instead of one to get the same result.

 The base as for all of these polishes in this collection is clear. This one also have 3 sizes of emerald green shiny hex glitters and 4 sizes of black matte hex glitter and black string glitter.
Natural light.
 Basically I really like this combination. Next time I'll try it out with a lighter green to layer it over.
Natural light with half shadow.
Polishes used:
needme PARIS Nail Polish - 12

China Glaze - Grafitti Glitter

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