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THE ACNE DIARIES: It's back and its bad.....and painful

So back to square one.

I am really annoyed by how bad my skin is again.

It's been a long and complicated path to get where I am now. It started back in August when my doctor suggested I stop taking Yasmin (the contraceptive pill) then moved me onto the implant.

Immediately my skin reacted and broke out in painful and under the skin spots. I expected this as I take Yasmin for my skin as well as a contraceptive. I wasn't expecting it not to go away. I returned to my doctor pleading to be placed on any form of medication to improve my skin. Which I wasn't given.

I was told they were going to place me onto a pill. Another form of pill. The whole reason I took the implant in the first place was to remove me from the pill. Now I'm on both with two loads of hormones. Great.

That was when the pill managed to remove every last bit of moisture from my skin. This might sound a bit crazy but seriously, it was so sore. My skin around my eyes started to turn red and sting when product was applied. It got to the point where the skin was flaking and peeling off with slight bleeding on one side. I couldn't wear any eye make up let alone eye cream.

I also developed dry patches under my nose and on my cheeks which were unlike any dryness I had had before. It took a good two weeks for the redness to stop. It only stopped as I took myself off the pill I had been given.

Which meant the relatively good skin I had enjoyed once I had started taking it - stopped. I'm now back to square one.

I have now been told that I am to go back on Yasmin and the implant will be removed. However I have to wait until January 10th for this. In the meantime, I have painful under the skin spots all over my face and smaller spots everywhere. I hate it but at least I know its going to stop soon.

I cannot believe this is what it comes to. It's incredible that the series of pills I've been on have contributed to me feeling like this. I'm lucky I've had no weight gain or appetite increases. Although, I did feel a bit like the last pill increased my appetite a bit. I go to the gym enough to counter act it though and I work on my feet all day running around so in fact, I've lost weight.

I'm looking forward to getting back to normal and experiencing normal skin. I took for granted all the wonderful years where I had clear skin. I think its crazy to have one dose of hormones in an implant form then be taking a separate tablet to stop reactions caused by the implant.

I will keep you posted.

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