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Versatile Blogger Award!

I got my first award!!  How cool is that?!  I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Sarah over at All This Polish.  Go check out her blog…some very fun stuff on there!!  I especially love her ladybug stamping post!  How cute is this?!  

So this is a much over due shout out to Sarah for the nomination.  It's so cool to know that amazing nail gals & guys read my blog and I have a teensy weensy impact in this fabulously colorful corner of the world!

1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging
2. Let them know that you have nominated them
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself
4. Thank the bloggers that have nominated you
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post

7 Facts:
1. I have 3 kids and a blog dedicated to them (and my life as a wife/mom/professional)
2. At one point in time I owned over 200 chapsticks (a variety of brands)
3. My first car was a Chevy Citation (gag)
4. I'm the jock of my family
5. I'm an over-acheiver
6. I love horror movies
7. I know the lyrics to 99.9% of every song I hear

Fellow Bloggers:
1. http://lauriestrodesfunwithnails.blogspot.com/  check out her awesome X-Men themed mani!
2. http://silverinator.com/  butterfly nails…I die!
3. http://carislittlecorner.blogspot.com/  neon + zebra, need I say more?
4. http://jessicasnailtales.blogspot.com/  adore her pink "fish egg" mani!
5. http://ambianceshop.blogspot.com/  Tristam's Eyes (Princes Sabra) with a seahorse stamp, how sweet is that!


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