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2018 Favorite Posts

2018 has been good in terms of beauty. I set myself a goal to post more nail art and makeup looks and I feel like I have reached it. There were many new interesting products to review as well as some new categories of posts that I introduced on my blog. Writing about trends was a fun new topic as well as finally coming around to doing my all time favorite products posts in different categories. I still have some of those coming up in 2019. 

Here are some of the posts that I have enjoyed creating the most. Starting with makeup looks that I think were finally becoming more interesting and versatile. I am also proud of my nail art that I feel has evolved a bit as well. Among other posts I have decided to feature those that I really liked writing or I loved the photos I took of the products and those that I found would be really helpful for any of my readers. 

I did a similar post last year which you can find here. In this post I also mentioned all the bloggers that I love to read and the list has pretty much stayed the same. I am planning on sharing my favorite Instagram accounts on my Instagram stories, so check these out in the future days, if you seek for a bit of inspiration on who to follow. 

In 2018 I have also checked another goal off of my list, when I finally entered makeup classes and became certified makeup artist. I have some plans for the future and I really hope that this can become more than just a hobby. 

At this point I would also have to thank all of you that still read or at least scroll through my blog posts. I feel like the engagement on the blog has become increasingly low, which I kind of miss. But then again, there have been more engagements and conversations on other platforms, like Instagram, which I like just as well. Thank you for any kind words that you have ever told to me and thank you for all the love either with likes or shares (or just a silent support). I really appreciate it. Let's hope 2019 brings us even more wonderful beauty products, interesting posts and inspirational blogs. 

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