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Negative space heart nail art with Essence nail art satin matt top coat

Today I'm showing the matte version of my Stamped negative space heart nail art which I showed you three weeks ago. For more info about the actual nail art you can check out the original post and let's check out Essence nail art satin matt top coat further. And yes, "matt" isn't a typo, I guess it's because it's sold i Germany. As all matte top coats it dulls the black quite much and the "matteness" stays matte and don't  feel shiny the next day. It dries considerably slower than most matte polishes and if you apply shiny top coat on top later(like dots to create a cool nail art effect) it still look dull and almost dirty. Therefore this only works for full matte nails, so next time I'll go to Claire's and pick up another of their matte tc's. Basically this works, but it's not my favorite matte of all the ones I've tried.

Polishes and materials used:
MoYou's special black nail polish
ZTIZ (black creme nail polish)
Image plate - KD27 (russian image plate)
Essence nail art satin matt top coat

***Some products in this post have been provided for review***

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