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There's a party at the discoshow

Hurrah! We've made it to the closing throes of another week, the forecast looks good for the weekend, and we have parties to plan (in our heads, mainly)!

To get us going, how about this [ahem!] "classic" [from a lady who bears a more-than-passing resemblance to Lou Costello] that I have discovered while roaming through the madness that is Europopland?

We'll all be singing along at five past five...

Thank Disco It's Friday!

5.05, Another Friday night
5.05, Can't stop that feeling inside
Funky evening, just begun
All the night we're having fun

There's a party at the discoshow
Dance and romance to be found
That's the place where I wanna go
Swinging around and around

5.05, Let's dance the night away
5.05, I know today is the day
Funky evening is the start
Of a new romance with a man in my heart

There's a party at the discoshow
Dance and romance to be found
That's the place where I wanna go
Swinging around and around


There's a party at the discoshow
Dance and romance to be found
That's the place where I wanna go
Swinging around and around

5.05, Another Friday night
5.05, Can't stop that feeling inside
Funky evening, just begun
All the night we're having fun

5.05, Let's dance the night away
5.05, I know today is the day
Funky evening is the start
Of a new romance with a man in my heart

5.05, Another Friday night
5.05, Can't stop that feeling inside
Funky evening, just begun

Have a good weekend, dear reader!

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