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Day 16 - Tribal Print

No Bundle Monster plates were harmed in the making of this manicure, but they were put to good use. I was nervous about doing free hand tribal print for the challenge, so I decided that my Bundle Monster plates would be perfect. I used partial designs from plates BM-202, BM-204, and BM-213.

For the base color I used Cosmetic Arts nail lacquer. Since it does not have a name on it, I'm guessing it is either Pink Rush or Pink Lust from the Neon Collection. Trust me when I say this color really is neon and bright. My camera freaked out and made it look red which is why I didn't bother posting swatches. They are not color accurate at all. When I figure out how to take proper photos of this color, I will post swatches.

I love the result, now I just need to find a faster way to do this :)

My inspiration for the manicure was a tribal print dress worn by Blake Lively. I'm not a big fan of yellow, so I did not have an exact color match to her dress in my collection. I chose to switch the base color entirely to a neon pink and I'm really happy with the result. I think for me that made the manicure more wearable, but if I ever get a yellow that shade, I will have to try this again :)

I'd love to know what you think!

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)

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