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Polish Comparison Part 1

Polish Dupes?

Hello all again. I went through my stash of polish and found 12 polishes that could be possible dupes, and after my last comparison post, I thought I'd do more. So as there are so many polishes, I've split them into 2 posts, which are still photo heavy.
So for part 1 these are the polishes I'm comparing.

Sally Hansen Laser. Sinful Colors Ciao Bella.
L'Oréal Pink Shells. Sally Hansen Byte.
2true Taylor. Barry M Grapefruit.

I have swatches all these polishes with 2 coats and no topcoat. Photographed inside and outside. 
First up is the 2 blue glitters.

In the bottle they looked very similar, but you can see Ciao Bella is darker when painted.

These are very similar in the bottle and no nails, but I think L'Oréal is slightly darker in shade.

These 2 were harder to tell apart when I was uploading the photos from my phone! They are extremely similar in application, finish and shine.
I like doing these posts, but there is quite a lot of work involved. Part 2 will be coming soon, and I may have another look through my stash for future comparison posts.
Stay safe and much love...

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