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Gucci Mane and Waka Flocka Beefing

It is not a new thing in history for an aprentice to get big, and turn his back on his master. I guess that is what is going on with Gucci Mane and Waka Flocka Flame right now. Gucci Mane more or less put Waka on in 2009, and got him affiliated with his Brick Squad label. They both have a lot of songs together; they even released a collabo album, Ferrari Boys, 2 years ago. But, the latest news making rounds is that they are no longer cool. Check out what Gucci had to say about Waka via twitter below-

Waka flacka flames officially dropped off brick squad 1017. Big Guwop say give me a offer fa this disloyal lil nigga

And Waka repsonded by tweeting-

Can’t tweet beef

: you erasing twats b?” Can’t tweet jones about a nigga I’m a let a lame be lame

This is not looking good. I am to certain this is going to spill into the streets, and things will definitely get ugly. I will keep you guys updated.

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