Hello! It is I Chance the wonder blogging Border Collie.
I saw a kitty cat, now mind you I don’t eat kitty cats or even taste them …but I do bark at them. So I barked a bunch. The kitty cat is black and white in all different spots than a skunk. Black body no white stripes and white feet…and boy is it fat well fed a good mouser. Far Guy has been seeing this kitty and Far Side saw it wandering through the yard when I was gone to town off duty.
We walk everyday. We had two really nice days earlier in the week. Sometimes Far Side goes along and sometimes she doesn’t.
I am the leader. Then you know what they did to me? They stopped following. One walked one way and the other walked a different way…I had to check on them both…I ran back and forth between them…why oh why don’t they go the same places?
There was a whole lot of deer dancing going on in the driveway. The shooting has calmed down, that one day shots rang out all over every twenty minutes or so. I was supposed to stay close to the house…but I preferred inside the house where I was safe!
I am still shedding…they say it is enough to make a whole other Border Collie. I get brushed about every day…cause someone hates dog hair. That someone is a she, and she clipped the hair on my feet cause she said I would track less dirt in the house…and then she clipped my toe nails…oh and she cleaned my ears too. Then she was happy.
It snowed enough last night to be considered the second snow…Far Side was so excited. NOT! She doesn’t like snow as much as I do. Nothin’ better than fresh snow…stay AWAY from the yellow snow…just a tip for you!
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