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Introducing Zelda and Becky!

Zelda and Becky prepare for a night on the town!

I'm planning on adding one or two more characters and then that will be it -- I may also phase out either Clarissa or Emma and only have one "third wheel" so to speak :)

By the way, thank you to everyone for your suggestions in my tote bag post!! I think the bicycles were the winner for the first round -- but the smoking bag was a close second! I'm so eager for my blank tote bags to get here so I can start printing! If it goes over well, I'll be asking you soon which design to do next! :D

ps. The "smoking" design is called "Ramona wears her new cloche hat" but my dad has re-named it "Ramona doesn't care about her health" -- I just think that's hilarious.

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