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Kennywood Day Outfit

I wore this to Kennywood on "Monongahela Day." Growing up, Monongahela Day at Kennywood was the highlight of summer. I'd plan my outfit carefully, sometimes matching the person I'd bring along as my ride buddy. It would be the only time of year you'd see so many classmates and friends gathered in the same place outside of school so outfits really "mattered."

As a grown up, I didn't spend much time planning this outfit. I wore an Old Navy dress that I've been wearing a lot lately because it is comfortable and light. Emilia wore a Minnie dress from Kohls. My parents and sister came and Chris met up with us after the end of his work day. It was a great time!

We had season passes for Kennywood again this year which was great. I don't think we went as frequently as we did last year but we still got our money's worth. Kennywood is only open for a few more weekends until they open for Phantom Fright Nights. I hope we get to go once more!

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