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Lavender's blue

Lavender's blue, dilly dilly, lavender's green.
When I am King, dilly dilly, you shall be Queen.
I love to dance, dilly dilly, I love to sing.
When I am Queen, dilly, dilly, you'll be my King.

That's one of the songs of my childhood although it's actually a seventeenth century song and even I'm not that old!

Lavender and the shadow of me!
And maybe it's one of the reasons I love lavender.  Soon after I moved into this house I saw an advert for some free lavender plugs (but with a hefty P&P charge) and I sent for some.  They seemed to take for ever to get going but this year they are perfect.  There are several varieties but don't ask me which!  I planted them in my front garden so everyone going past can enjoy them and even more important the bees and butterflies can enjoy them and I can see them from where I sit watching the world go by.
Simple beauty

Today I collected a small bunch for the house.  They are destined for my bedside as lavender is supposed to aid sleep.

I hope you enjoy my lavender too.

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