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La bête - 1975

Dutch Release
The Beast, Death's Ecstacy

I had this post planned out for the last few days, a nice offensive Dutch re-titling by EVC, but then this beauty came into my inbox and I had to share it. It has to be one of the more inventive sleeves I've seen.

The Dutch have done it again. Who'd think of taking an innocent bit of pornography and drawing over the top of it. But not just any old dooldes over the top, oh no, the artist chose a rather revealing, well pointless, nightie  which he may as well not botherd with as you can still EVERYTHING. But the pièce de résistance is the amazingly shit "Beast" hand. I also feel I should saying about the ladies eyebrows, they look like they're a monobrow except they're not. This sleeve has got it going on.

Thank you to Jonas for kindly letting me use this amazing sleeve.

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