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Monthly Goals: August 2016

Sorry this is late.  I ended up having to re-evaluate my goals for the month to be more realistic.  First, there were the garden goals, which I totally scaled back.  I went into the garden this morning and just found slugaggedon and other terrible things happening.  I had placed eggshells around the seed beds to try and deter the slugs along with DE and what I had left in the beer traps, but nope, the slugs merely slithered over the bodies of their dead comrades and then latched onto whatever plants they could find.  There was netting around my one seed bed, but the birds managed to peck around it enough that they got through.  I actually had a couple of chickadees trapped UNDER the netting, for all the good that did my seedlings.  The slugs attacked the swiss chard and actually cut through the large stems (the amount of slugs around the stems...shudder...I won't paint that picture) and the small plant stems too, so I sucked it up, knocked slugs out of the way and salvaged what I could. 

I only have a few small seedlings left and I'm worried if the birds are going to get them first or the slugs.  It's depressing, but I'm struggling on for the few fighters that are left.  I even had to pull the carrots today as the slugs were attacking the greens by climbing them until they knocked them over so the other slugs could then climb on top of them (so it seemed anyway) and were just going to town on them.  Since they have gotten about as big as they are going to get this year, I just pulled the smaller carrots and put them in storage.

Bright side the peas are still doing excellent, so I am getting a really good amount of peas for this winter.  I was worried with how they were growing so tall that I was going to have major issues with the trellis falling over, but with the one center support that I levered up against the trellis system, instead the peas climbed and then fell forward, but stopped because the trellis was supported.  This is actually a benefit as it allows me to be able to pick the topmost peas where before I was worried I was going to need a ladder to reach them *laugh*.

Oddly enough?  The two lettuce plants are still alive and are actually still in pretty good health, despite the ravaging the garden took.  Go figure.

When it comes to other goals, Christmas is starting to take more of a priority in the coming months.  I have 30+ gifts to make on top of my husband and kids, so I want to make sure I'm not panicking come December to get the rest of the gifts done.

I'm also making food preservation, once again, a priority this month to make sure the pantry is in tip top shape for winter if I can manage it.

So, let's get onto this month's goals shall we?

Sewing Goals:
  • Work on mending, especially work jackets for husband (we put this off as he is working for two companies right now, but we have been unable to find him some good three season jackets without a logo on them, so it's back to replacing zippers and patching his old ones).
  • Work on Christmas Gifts that require sewing

Cleaning Goals:
  • Get kid's rooms washed down, if the weather gets dry enough that they will dry (right now I'm actually worried about mold as it is SO humid, so I've been putting it off).
  • Clean ceiling fans.
  • Deep clean bathrooms
  • Go through pull all pants that are too small for son out of dresser and laundry as I find it and put it into the donation pile (yes, he grew up another size in pants.  Again).
  • Clean the rest of the camper.

Pantry Goals:
  • Can Pears
  • Can rhubarb from freezer
  • Can cherries from freezer
  • Make strawberry preserves from strawberries in freezer
  • Work on dehydrating some things to put into lunches for pantry

Garden Goals:
  • As plants die pull up and amend soil where they were.  Plants in planters as they die, dump, check status of wooden planters and figure out if they are worth salvaging.
  • Continue to harvest peas
  • Nurse seedlings.  Sacrifice something to the gardening God (kidding...kind of *laugh*).

General Goals:
  • Keep on top of menu planning.  Try at least one new recipe a week.
  • Keep on top of prices for produce at you pick farms and stores to get as much into the freezer and pantry as possible.
  • Work on speech homework with my son.
  • Get kids back to school and established into the new school year.
  • Get some through allergist appointment with son with NOTHING going wrong (power of positive thinking!).
  • Get myself through husband being out of town (potentially several times this month).
  • Continue to organize kitchen and pantry to work better for winter.
  • Work on getting master bedroom closet better organized and emptied out as much as possible.
  • Work on non-sewing themed Christmas gifts.
And there you are folks.  My goals for this month.  How about you?  Up to anything?

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