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Never say never, even on Christmas.

OK, so we had dinner at youngest daughters last night, and tonight stepdaughter and her boyfriend are coming for dinner, and tomorrow, getting together with all the kids and grandkids, for pizza and gift giving. Don't ask why we are doing it the day after Christmas. The story would take too long.

So today, I am lounging a bit. About 11:30am, I headed to the studio, to feed the cats, and the pellet stove. I figured I would stay long enough to do that, and long enough to give them some love. I feel guilty when I don't have time to pay much attention to them.
When I left the house, I looked at my camera, and decided to leave it home. Now understand that every day, I pick up my purse, and my camera, always. I never leave home without it.
Until today.
Today it seemed silly to take it, after all, it is Christmas, and I didn't plan on being there long. So I picked it up, but put it back down, and left without it.

While I was there, I happened to glance out the window to see some cars pulling up out in front of the studio. I couldn't see much from the living room, so I headed out to the shop, which is in the front room, to get a better view. I was alarmed to see cars stopped on both sides of the road. I thought there must be an accident, but couldn't see any signs of that. Then I saw someone get out of their car, and aimed a camera at the field next to my driveway.
I turned, to look out the south facing window, and saw this.
From Crazy as a Loom

You can imagine my horror, when I realized that my camera and zoom lens were both home on the kitchen counter.
Unbelievable. I was so close I could hear them talking, could hear what they were saying.
And this was the ONLY day in all of 2009 that I did not have my camera with me.
So I ran for my phone, and took the only picture I could take.
And watched them lift off, and heard the roar of their burner.
Never, never leave your camera home.
Not even on Christmas.

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