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 My second experiment with powdered eggs has been a hit.

I know that many people have reservations on using them after talk of what they were like in the last war.

So far I can vouch that they are brilliant.

Little butter in pan.

4 tablespoons egg powder, 12 tablespoons water mixed well together and poured into pan.
You may have to adjust to get a egg like consistency.

This scrambles up exactly like normal eggs do.

Serve on toast.

The taste was exactly like whole eggs and the texture was also the same.

I have been in touch with the manufacturer and they tell me that they are good for 6 months when stored in a cool place but personally I think they would keep for a bit longer than that as they will always err on the side of safety as with all sell by dates.

The way things are at the moment non of us quite know what the situation will be in the future and these would be a great addition to your store cupboard.

Next step will be to try in a fruit cake.

Watch this space.


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