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Question of the day

Today's question comes to us from Austin M. Austin says: I enjoy very much the "Cooking w/ Dr. Monkey" segments. Let's say that George W. came by one day to apologize. What would you cook him for dinner?First of all Austin, thanks for your kind words about my cooking posts. I'm glad you like them.

Secondly, at this point any apology from the lips of that greedy murdering bastard would ring hollow in my ears. I would not and could not forgive him for the way he has abused his power, senselessly murdered hundreds of thousands of people, and has helped his pals in big business rape us and abuse our planet.

However, just because I will never forgive him for his transgressions while in the Oval Office, that does not mean I would not turn him away from my table, as he has done to the poor and underemployed in this country and the whole world over. In fact, I'd feed him a meal he would really enjoy. I'd make our ersatz cowboy, don't forget he was born in New England after all and not Texas, a red neck meal that would delight his stupid ass. I'd open can after can of Vienna Sausages and pork and beans, and I'd serve those two items with loaves of white bread. I'd let him wash all that food down with Red Eye after Red Eye (A Red Eye is a beer that has tomato juice mixed in with it.). I'd keep shoving the bad food and the Red Eye's at him until he became bloated and nauseous and then when it looked like he might vomit, I'd assist him to the most disgusting gas station restroom with broken overflowing toilets I could find and I'd hold his head down in the toilet bowl while he puked his guts up. I'd keep his face near the water as he finished retching and I'd then recite the name of every person killed in the wars of terror on Iraq and Afghanistan as he breathed in the stench of his own vile bile and other people's excrement. Then after that, if he was game, I'd invite Dick Cheney over for a meal so he could apologize as well. And maybe I'd invite Rumsfeld too and the rest of that gang of thugs who got our country to attack a sovereign nation that had not attacked us first.

Thanks for sending in that great question Austin!

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