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Saturday, The sun is shining!

     I am going out to play today as the sun is shining.  It is supposed to be the nicest day in the next week which promises to be gloomy and rainy and cold.  So overalls, and muck boots here I come.  So excited.

     Yesterday I got a really good start on a huge pile of clothes from a little person.  I only have 6 more pairs of pants to shorten then that pile will be done.  I am eating my elephant.

     Also I will start my seedlings.  Just getting things ready for the garden, maybe a few sunflowers. I did get my Easter grass planted yesterday.

     I am such a scrounge. Lil sis was getting rid of old cushions from her back porch and I took them and washed them and reused them.  I asked her if she had an Easter place mats, as Hubs shakes so bad sometimes when he eats and I don't want my hand made lace table clothe stained and she had some albeit tacky ones ,they work.  I also got a new planter for my Easter grass in her stash of pots.  I am just thrilled not to buy anything.  Right now I can't, but even if I could I would take free.

     I will have to go into the pharmacy today for refills on meds, but I will wear gloves and take sanitizer with me.

     Do you have any exciting plans for this Saturday?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



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