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Just picked up the latest issue of Sight & Sound magazine, which includes a killer feature where 52 critics and programmers choose their own fantasy (or actual)double bill pairings. Tim Lucas chats about this on his own excellent blog http://www.videowatchdog.blogspot.com/ and also mentions a post on Jeremy's Moon In The Gutter blog http://mooninthegutter.blogspot.com/ (images from A TALE OF TWO SISTERS).

The 52 pairings make for very interesting reading and include selections from Kim Newman (who also used to sneak into X cert screenings aged 14), S&S editor Nick James (who uses his position of power to plump for an all-nighter), Ian Christie and Geoff Andrew. My favourites from this list include reality double-header DON'T LOOK NOW/THE WICKER MAN (dubbed my Mark Kermode as "Perhaps the greatest double bill of all time) and THE HONEYMOON KILLERS/PROFUNDO CARMESI (DEEP CRIMSON) as chosen by Mexican critic Leonardo Garcia-Tsao. I think my own dream double (apart from a JD) would be VERTIGO/MULHOLLAND DRIVE, or maybe even SESSION 9/THE STONE TAPE. What would you choose?

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