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Spring sunshine...

It has to be said the Spring Sunshine has been somewhat absent these last few days.  But we DID have a spell of lovely WARM (oh I remember warm) weather a week or so ago.  So here are a few photos to share with you AND remind myself! Above - washing on the line!  Stromness and the West Mainland of Orkney in the distance.  I LOVE getting washing out on the line - nothing can replicate the smell of a couple of hours of fresh air blowing through the washing.

Now...remember the fence to keep the hens OUT of the veg patch?  Well it's STILL working. I know - I'm amazed too.  But I'm not complaining. Neither, it seems, are the hens.  They seem quite happy in other parts of the garden.  But THIS is why they have to be kept out the veg patch - they love a dust bath!

And a bit of  sunbathing (who doesn't like to feel the warm sun). You can just make out the fence to the left of the hens (er and cockerel)

And a wee nap too... yup the hen IS asleep.... Big Ginger keeps watch

And then there is Madam Button.... she likes the sunshine too. Here she's inspecting one of the ornamental grasses in the new bed.

And now trotting over to say hallo and see what's going on.  Um...did I tell you when she had her annual vaccinations the V.E.T. said she needed to lose a little weight. Ooops Madam Button was NOT impressed.  So let's not mention it.  No girl likes to be told she could do with losing a little weight.

After a while she settles down  to watch what is going on....

And a pair of pheasants wander across the grass!  Non-native to Graemsay, obviously!  Introduced some years ago they seem to do OK without any management or additional food.

And these flowers just LOVE the sun.  They close up when it's not shining... who can blame them. I do the same...

And now Spring is well and truly sprung I've moved back into the conservatory. Having given it a Spring Clean first of course.  Anyway it's a perfect vantage point to watch the sunset....

Over outside Stromness through the haze you can see the Ness Battery, the wartime camp complete with accommodation huts.

Mmm maybe this looks a bit clearer - oooh look at that calm sea...

Ah yes definitely the perfect vantage point to watch the setting sun.

A vapour trail from a plane patterns the sky

Sun sinking over behind Warbeth now....

A wee sailing ship coming into harbour

Hopefully the sun returns soon!

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