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This Post Should Have Been Written On A Mac

Yay! - We picked up a Macbook Pro laptop today!

Boo! - I couldn't figure out how to get it to connect to my wireless router!

Yay! - The laptop can connect to the 'Net when I hook it directly to the router via an Ethernet cable!

Boo! - Who gives a flying f*ck that I can connect to the Internet via an Ethernet cable! It's a f*cking laptop! I want to connect wireless!

Yay! - I like John Hodgman, the witty gentleman who plays the PC in those goddamn Mac ads!

Boo! - I don't like that Mac guy, the guy that was in the presumably-shitty new Die Hard movie. My problems are all your fault, stupid guy whose name I won't look up!


So, now you're thinking, well, why didn't he just post using the Ethernet connection? You're just like that asshead Mac guy, aren't you?!!


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