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Through the Garden Gate August 2021

 Another month has gone by, some of the garden is glowing, particularly when the sun shines!  This is an image from our front garden providing you with a warm welcome to Through the Garden Gate this month! 

In the back garden this Lemon Queen Helianthus perennial is providing more colour. Does anyone else grow these? They are a bit of a thug and the plant can take over, but it is very popular with attracting insects and the seedings are easy to pull out if you catch them before they establish.

The herb garden is equally full of beneficial insects and it is nice to sit by and listen and watch these visitors.  Not that we have had too many opportunities to sit down and enjoy it this month!. It has been extremely busy down in West Bay with many visitors. We are looking forward to some quieter times now that the school holidays are nearly over. 

Other parts of the garden the colours are more mellow, it is difficult to resist buying more plants too. This Arabian Night dahlia was not on our shopping list when we visited the town to buy fruit and vegetables and bread but somehow ending coming home with us too!

It feels as if the summer is slowly drawing to a close with the length of the day decreasing, the sedums are  just showing a hint of pink, they have been providing an eye catching line of green from the conservatory.  Taking a quick look back at last month's post it is amazing to see how much has changed in the garden in a month. I am now looking forward to visiting other blogger's gardens too to see what has happened in the last month in their gardens too.

What are the highlights of your garden this month? 

If you want to join in Through the Garden Gate please let me know in the comments below and I will add you blog below. You are welcome to join in for any time during the year, and it can just be a one off or a more regular monthly visit, it's up to you!

Sarah x

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