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What fruit and veg is in season when

I am sure a lot of you may well have made eating more fruit and veg one of your goals for 2018.  I wonder, though, if you have thought about how it is best for you (and the environment) if you are eating fresh seasonal produce.

What is seasonal produce? 

If you are eating "Seasonal Produce" it means you will be eating fruit and veg that is naturally at its best.   It will have grown outside and generally not too far from where you live.  For this reason it will taste great and have the highest possible nutritional value.  Also, if you are eating out of season produce it will have either been grown abroad (racking up food miles) or in heated greenhouses (racking up energy costs).

Eat seasonally - what is is season when

Why eat seasonal food?

Food that is in season has many advantages over imported food or that grown under cover:
  • It will be fresher and have a great taste
  • It will be nutritionally better for you.  The fresher fresh food is eaten the better it is for you.
  • It will help the planet having using food low miles and less energy to grow than imported or greenhouse grown food.
  • It will be cheaper.
  • Finally, you will get great seasonal variety.  And believe you me, there is  nothing better than eating the first fresh strawberry of the season - it's taste will be a million time better than an imported "winter" strawberry.
So now you are hopefully keen to eat seasonally how on earth do you know what is in season?  An easy way is to eat fruit and veg that is from the country where you live.  The UK for example cannot grow green beans outside in winter so any fresh green beans need to imported often from as far away as Africa.  In contrast parsnips can be grown locally in the winter so you should find UK parsnips in the shops.  You could also sign up for an organic veg box and have a delivery of in season fresh produce arrive on your doorstep.

If you need some more help please do look at these blog posts detailing what fresh produce is in season throughout the year.

Veg, Fruit and Foraged Foods in Season in January
Veg, Fruit and Foraged Foods in Season in February
Veg, Fruit and Foraged Foods in Season in March
Veg, Fruit and Foraged Foods in Season in April
Veg, Fruit and Foraged Foods in Season in May
Veg, Fruit and Foraged Foods in Season in June
Veg, Fruit and Foraged Foods in Season in July
Veg, Fruit and Foraged Foods in Season in August
Veg, Fruit and Foraged Foods in Season in September
Veg, Fruit and Foraged Foods in Season in October
Veg, Fruit and Foraged Foods in Season in November
7 Foods in season at Christmas

Do you try to eat fresh food that is in season? Is there anything you really miss when it is out of season?

Eat seasnally - what is in  season when

A Green and Rosie Life

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