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According to Forbes and Bloomberg, Zuckerberg's fortune has fallen by more than $6 billion

According to Forbes and Bloomberg, Zuckerberg's fortune has fallen by more than $6 billion

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 The personal wealth of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has diminished, after the company's share price fell in trading, Monday, in the wake of the issue of leaking documents and service outages around the world.

According to the Forbes and Bloomberg websites, the fortune of the founder of the social networking site fell by more than 6 billion dollars within a few hours, Monday, which led to Zuckerberg's wealth dropping to 121.6 billion dollars, falling to fifth place in the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, before his wealth increased by the passage of time. Today, it has reached $128 billion, ranking fourth.

Zuckerberg's fortune plummeted from nearly $140 billion in just weeks, according to the index.

Forbes said the fortune of Facebook's chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, also fell to $1.9 billion.

Selling operations led to a decline in Facebook's stock by 4.9 percent, in addition to losses of 15 percent per share since mid-September.

The company's share price declined due to the decline in investor confidence in the company, amid continued political pressure on the company and the long interruption of the company's applications, according to Forbes. Facebook's stock has been under pressure from two fronts, an unusually long outage of its platform of the same name, in addition to Instagram and WhatsApp, "a mistake that could cost the company millions of dollars in revenue," and the other represented by documents leaked by a former employee of the company, according to Forbes.

Forbes reported that the outage on Monday affected Facebook's internal systems, with employees unable to access emails, the internal messaging system known as Workplace, and even some doors at the company's headquarters.

These events come after a former employee of the company appeared on an American television screen to reveal her identity after it leaked a set of documents to the authorities alleging that Facebook knows that its products fuel hatred and harm children's mental health.

And the American Wall Street Journal published a set of documents showing that the company was aware of a wide range of problems related to its products, such as Instagram’s harm to the mental health of teenage girls, and misinformation about the riots in the US Capitol.

"Facebook has limited oversight, likening it to tobacco companies that have denied for decades that smoking is harmful to health," Reuters said.

The data expert will say that "when Facebook executives have to choose between profits or user security, profits win."

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Monday of the leaks that the administration views the leaks as the latest episode showing that "self-regulation" within the huge social media companies "is not working."

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