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Friday 2nd October 2020

 Friday 2ndOctober


A dreary, damp day greeted us, but orchid hunting was happening no matter what the weather!

It turned into a great day. Geoff found a heap of orchids, with a few different ones from the normal, though I am unsure whether we have any new ones, but there are a couple of different hybrids which are always nice to see.

We did get a bit wet throughout the day, but thankfully not soaked.

The day was rounded out with lamb kebab type things for dinner.

Left; Pink & Purple Enamels
Right; Pale Cowslips & White Fairy

Wheatbelt Spider Orchid (hybrid), Yellow Verticordia (I think!)

Hybrid Orchids of many colours

Purple-veined Orchid of many colours


The weather was against us, with light rain squalls, and stiff breezes. There was no talk of staying in, so we went out. I had some luck, finding enough orchids to deserve getting a biscuit at elevenses. I even took Varena to the golf club for lunch! (We ate our pre-packed sandwiches in the rear carpark of the club, but as the club was closed this was all we could do - we still had lunch at the golf club).

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