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My 2nd Grade Friends Share On Soundcloud One Of Their Favorite Cantata Learning Books.... "A Peaceful Leader...Martin Luther King Jr."

One of my favorite sites for recording and sharing is SoundCloud.  

With this website, you can sign up for an account, create your own channel, and record very easily through the website and SoundCloud app.  
Within your account, you can also set up Groups, which can hold separate SoundCloud recordings. 

SoundCloud Groups are very easy to upload new recording to either from the website, app, or another recording that you have access to on your computer or device.  

Individuals can also join the Groups.  This is a great way to engage parents and others with your students, classroom, and library.  
My dear friend Tracy Ferguson and her amazing 2nd graders at Van Meter Community School shared their favorite Cantata Learning book with all of us using SoundCloud....
One day we Skyped from Iowa to Colorado and my little friends sang and read the book to me.  

I opened up SoundCloud so I could record them....It was so much fun.  You can listen to them by clicking on the embedded SoundCloud recording above or clicking here

We can't wait to add more of our favorite Cantata Learning books and songs to this group.  
If you want to use SoundCloud with your students, don't miss all of the easy ways to share the wonderful recordings too.  

It truly is a very easy to way to share the voice from your library, classroom, and school too. 

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