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Paperback 885: The Scarab Murder Case / S.S. Van Dine (Graphic 89)

Paperback 885: Graphic 89 (1st ptg, 1954)

Title: The Scarab Murder Case
Author: S.S. Van Dine
Cover artist: Uncredited

Estimated value: $15-20

Best things about this cover:
  • I seem to have entered the "Mystery Hands With Daggers" portion of my collection (?!).
  • "Uh, no thanks, I gave up stabbing. For Lent."
  • "Thanks, but my letters have all been opened. My nightgown, on the other hand ..."
  • If you wanna deflate her heaving bosom, you're gonna need more than a dagger, big boy.
  • I can't tell what tore a hole in the cover—the dagger, her smoky gaze, or her potent thoracic thrust.

Best things about this back cover:
  • Hmm, a tiki etui radio. Cool.
  • "Penetrates twisted passions"—there's no way the book lives up to the image in my head.
  • I've never been less convinced of something's best-ness.

Page 123~

"Why not try to cerebrate occasionally?"

Sadly, not a typo.


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