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Travel Bits: December 2021

The Hermit Life.......

Coming close to beginning the third year of staying put in my little home city, mostly working from home and meeting few people in-person, I am fast embracing a hermit lifestyle, albeit reluctantly. As I had mentioned in an earlier post in this blog, even the occasional dining-out has sort of become an event in itself for me.

Living in a small compact city, there are only so many activities I can find after taking into account the need to maintain social distancing measures. 

Campings are currently forbidden; ironically due to the pandemic. 

Dining outs are allowed but limited seating arrangements necessitate the need to plan and book a table way in advance, sometimes as early as three to four weeks ahead.

Staycations? Thanks but no thanks. The relatively high cost of staycation packages are definitely beyond my limited financial means.

Reading has since become a major past-time activity for me. I used to read a lot when I was in school, both fiction and non-fiction. That activity disappeared from my life when I started working. It has since returned with a vengeance. Over the past 2 years, I have read more than 50 novels as well as lots of magazines on business, current affairs, photography, fashion, travel and engineering. Well, I have got to find something useful to do when spending so much time at home. Watching streaming movies can only hold my interest for a couple of hours each time! 😄 And as the saying goes, books are our windows to the world. With my usual travels curtailed, reading allows me to travel far and wide while seated in my couch right in my living room.

Hence, my nightly binges on streaming videos and reading shall continue for now while I wait and hope for the pandemic to run its course.

A warm cup of beverage soothes the mind when living the hermit life, Singapore (2021)

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