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AB Peninsula British Infantry

A while back I departed with my Eureka 15mm British infantry with Belgic shakos as a way of motivating me to finish this project. Although I am fond of the Belgic, it isn't entirely accurate for the Peninsular theater where I am focused. With work and life, progress was slow and putting on a game was going to be a challenge unless I wanted to unleash my Spanish to fight alone.

This is 2/3 of Picton's Third Division from 1810-1811. The Seven British battalions were accompanied with 3 Portuguese battalions. I hope to have the final Portuguese battalion completed soon.

I'm happy with how they came out and just wanted to update the blog with some more relevant content. After I complete this division, I have one more to get me to where I want to be.

I might also mention that I went with the at ease pose due to concerns with bayonets. Anyone familiar with the Eureka figures knows the metal is a bit softer and if you're going to have other gamers handling your figures, you had best do what you can to prevent broken bayonets. No such problem here. I also notice with the AB range that this pose has more variety including a few without shakos and in a fatigue cap and a few missing any hat at all. A little variety is good and can be fun to play around with.

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