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Wildflower meadow

On an ordinary day it takes me about ten minutes to cycle to our allotment garden, but last Tuesday was different. I got distracted. When I pedal to the outskirts of town, past the park, taking the bridge over the river and the highway, I come across a meadow with some huge old trees.

It is always a beautiful sight to behold, but this time it looked as if someone had sprinkled fairy dust. The field was completely covered in wild flowers. Ox-eye Daisies,  the last Queen Anne's lace, yellow buttercups and the pink and purple bell shaped flowers of the common Comfrey, made it look like a dream.

I couldn't resist putting my bike at the side of the road, close to a line of Hawthorn trees, to take  photographs and pick a bunch of flowers to take with me to the garden. The meadow is alive, not only with colour, but with the sound of busy insects as well. In a small stream nearby a frog is making lots of noise, while a family of ducks swim by. Isn't it special how simple things in life can fill you with joy?! Hope you see them too!

Wishing you all a Happy weekend!


Madelief x

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