So even though I've already got forty bucks into milk replacer for the bottle babies, I'm going to continue feeding them milk for another two weeks, maybe three. But I don't think I'm going to drop another twenty bucks on a bag of milk replacer because I'll just use what milk I can get out of MamaGoat to feed them. And when that's not enough, well then it's time to wean 'em.
I've only been milking MamaGoat on occasion. She's only got the single buckling on her and she has plenty of extra milk in that beautiful bag of hers. It's not like I'm not using that extra milk to my personal advantage though. Although I haven't milked her more than twice for human use, I've been letting Lira's tiny doeling, Moo-latte, drink from both MamaGoat and Annette. Without their permission, of course.
Moo-latte about to sneak a snack from Annette. |
So Moo-lattte is getting some extra milk and Rhiannon can indulge in the occasional glass.
Gott'a have a glass of milk to wash down that big ol' PB&J sandwich. |
Still life with milk & petunia (and nosey cat). |
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