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What Went Right?!?!?

So how did this new job come to pass?

Some time ago, there was an ad in the local newspaper looking for a "Quality Engineer" at a manufacturing plant in Clinton, NC. I had applied to this company at least two other times in the past, but they were for positions that didn't quite fit my experience and skill set.

Well, I once again sent in my resume and promptly forgot about it.

The plant's VP of Quality called the house and wanted to talk to me about the position. We arranged to chat on one of my "Father-Daughter Fridays."

The phone interview went well and we arranged for an "in-person" session at the plant.

I met with the VP of Q and we talked about the plant's quality system, my history in QA / QC and various other related topics. We must have jawed for at least an hour. We went down the hall to the Plant Manager's office and I chatted with him for about fifteen minutes. He even gave me a better route back to Fayetteville!

A few days later, the VP of Q called to arrange another interview with the VP of Operations who was to be in town from their corporate HQ in Cleveland, Ohio.

I came in and talked with the big VEEP for another hour or so and then drove home.

Then, the HR Director form Cleveland arranged for another phone interview on yet another "Father-Daughter Friday." There was yet more talk followed up by a request for contact information for my previous supervisors. I gave him the info and rang off.

There was a slight glitch with this last part, as my most recent supervisor had moved since the Spring of 2005. My wife fielded the call from the HR Director and got him the new phone number. Whew.

The VP of Q called last Friday and offered me the job, whereupon I went into shock.

"Could this really be happening?"

They couldn't formally hire me until I passed a company physical and drug test, so once again I drove out to Clinton, NC to fill out forms and make with the specimen.

On Tuesday, the results were back and they were favorable. The VP of Q called me at work and finalized the deal.

So, what went right this time?

I don't know.

But missing from the above were idiotic things like personality testing, four-hour 360 degree multi-departmental review sessions and employment service pimps.

The fact that I was able to do my initial interview with the actual Quality Department Guy and not some intermediary may have helped.

Perhaps I was so worn down by the myriad of bogus interviews over the last few years that I was finally able to give a series of employer-pleasin' interviews.

Maybe it was sheer pity on the company's part.

Who knows?

Who cares?

I'm still asking myself, "Can this really be happening?"

With any luck,the shock will wear off and I can get back to posting what Dorky Dad has called "Classic Craig" stuff soon.

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