Before I get on with the after action report, I'd like to say a big thank you to Arran AKA TheSignal on WWPD for making my new blog banner. His internet fu has made something far better than anything I could have done.
So I played another Operation Sealion game against Derek's US Armour.
The Hungarian 1st army is was back in combat in Worcestershire, but quickly run into the 3rd US Armoured when the allies counter attack. Mission - Breakthrough Points - 1750pts Campaign - Operation Sealion |
US 3rd Armoured Division
| Hungarian 26th Assault Gun Division
The US armour masses for the attack |
The a platoon of Zrinyi II and the company commander hide in a forset |
Spearhead and recon moves |
US 3rd Armoured Division
| Hungarian 26th Assault Gun Division
US 3rd Armoured Division: The 3rd Armour set up aggressively Hungarian 26th Assault Gun Division: The Hungarians hide waiting for the storm to brake |
Here comes the attack! |
Stuarts sneak around the sides |
The Zrinyi II pop forward and bail two Shermans |
Stukas arrive and ment a wall of .50 cal lead |
US 3rd Armoured Division | Hungarian 26th Assault Gun Division |
US 3rd Armoured Division: The US advance into the Hungarian lines. Hungarian 26th Assault Gun Division: No Resevers, Hungaians sit tight. |
The Shermans flank the Zrinyi II's and get 3 hits out of 4 dice needing 6's! |
Stuarts shot up the Rocket Launchers |
Over view of the board |
US 3rd Armoured Division | Hungarian 26th Assault Gun Division
US 3rd Armoured Division: The US out flank the Hungarian lines Hungarian 26th Assault Gun Division: No Reseves, not much of a turn, the Company Comander Goes to Ground and hides next to the destroyed platoon. |
The Stuarts keep on pounding the Artillery |
The Shermans blaze away at the company commander but fail to hit anything. |
The Hungarian reserves finally turn up. |
The Tigers get stuck in quickly taking out a Sherman 76mm |
The Pioneers move towards the objectives. |
Overview of turn 3 |
US 3rd Armoured Division
| Hungarian 26th Assault Gun Division
US 3rd Armoured Division: The US try to finish off the Hungarian left flank before the reserves turn up. Hungarian 26th Assault Gun Division: The reserves turn up but it looks like too little to late... |
The US reserves turn up and take the far objective |
The Stuarts run away from the Hungarian reserves |
The Armoured Rifles shot up the Poineers, pinning them. |
The 76mm Shermans try to flank the Tigers |
The Stukas return and attack the newly arrived infantry |
The Tigers keep up the pressure on the retreating Stuarts |
US 3rd Armoured Division
| Hungarian 26th Assault Gun Division
US 3rd Armoured Division: The US move there forces towards the objectives. Hungarian 26th Assault Gun Division: Try to contest the objectives. |
The M10s arrive... |
... and shot up the Zrinyi |
The Sherman 76mm take out a Tiger |
The Shermans and Stuarts get shot up. |
With the Pioneers still pinned the Zrinyi Platoon tries a desperate assault to contest the objective, but are wiped out by the defensive fire. |
US 3rd Armoured Division
| Hungarian 26th Assault Gun Division
US 3rd Armoured Division: The US forces move more platoons to cover the objective. Hungarian 26th Assault Gun Division: The Pioneers fail to unpin and all attempts by the Hungarians to contest the objective fail. |
The US hold the objective and win the game |
US 3rd Armoured Division
| Hungarian 26th Assault Gun Division
A 5-2 win to the US. A good game but I completely mis judged the distance my reserves would have to travel to get to the objective. With the platoons on the table getting maulled early on I was always fighting an up hill struggle. Next time Derek next time! |
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