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Someone Has Some Explaining to Do

First off my apologies for all the extra black space around the photos as I was using my phone for this post. And now back to our topic at hand. 

While I was perusing eBay for Mike Piazza autos I came across a few cards that I saw and kindof scratched my head. 
Someone made a mistake and put the wrong auto sticker on the card. 

First up was this auto. At first glance it's a beautiful card and tiny patch numbered to 25. Plus it's signed by Mike Piazza, but wait that's not Mike Piazzas signature or is it. 
Next up is this auto. Same exact card different auto. How can that be. Well it turns out their is another Mike Piazza who is a pitcher that is with the Angels minor league system and has never advanced higher than AA since 2009 and that's his auto above. The beloved and one of the the greatest hitting catchers Mike Piazza auto is below with the other Mike Piazza beneath. 

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