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Hartley House: Part 3 How Many Coats of White?!?

Another quick progress shot of the house from Old Glory taken at 10PM last night. Only the roof and two doors remain unfinished. The big lesson I learned is that if I ever paint another white building, I will spray prime it grey and then spray it white. That should save me tons of headaches. Painting a white building by brush is not fun!

I also learned to plan my colors ahead of time, even before I prime the models. Yes, an idealistic thought that I most likely will forget by morning.

Interior Paint
The interior is painted Americana Williamsburg Blue (DA040), one of their older colors. This is a great shade of blue, useful for buildings and figures. It thins well and covers black in one coat. Highly recommended.

BTW this afternoon I kept telling my wife that I was "painting the house" and had to get it finished. No time to talk. She didn't buy it. Though a couple weeks ago I actually did do some interior painting in our real house--really spruces up a place easily and cheaply! But I digress....

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