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It's High Time 90s D&D Got Some Love

Has any old-school D&D blogger out there taken the time to review all of the Challenger Series adventures?  Thunder Rift and the Adventure Packs?  The two versions of the five-level introductory set?  If so, I'm not aware of it.  In fact, going by OSR blogs and forums alone, you could be forgiven for supposing that the Rules Cyclopedia was the only 90s D&D book worth discussing.

But it ain't so!  The Cyclopedia lived alongside boxed sets and adventure modules!  1992 and 1993 were especially prolific years for old D&D, just before its twilight—after 1993, the only two old D&D products to be printed at all were two iterations of the Classic D&D Game, in 1994 and 1996.

I think I need to do this.  It will be interesting to look at these adventures through fresh eyes, seasoned by a few years of tabletop-focused old-school play.  The Challenger Series adventures were board-gamey and rail-roady, but they have a unique charm.  (I probably won't get around to this until after I've finished up with National Campaign Creation Month, but look for it eventually.  This must happen.  Classic D&D needs to get the attention it deserves.)

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